Thursday, September 24, 2009

english was having a close passage , both is ok not that difficult . then was maths mr tan did not come AGAIN . nvm was doing the possibility[ ? ] its soooo esay larhh . then sleep as there was nothing for me to do . recess ate dumpling noodles was ok . then science was boring , miss dee said she want to revise all the chapter . then was social studies mr fahizal nv come too , was doing worksheet it is sooo boring . was discussing with syafiqah about the question then vanessa gave me the picture that she draw in pen , its nice but there are liquid fluid marks but is still nice (: then was talking to krystal then mother tongue teacher return back us the letter writing paper . goshhh i got 11/25 actually it should be 15 but teacher say format wrong minus 5 marks from meee . ohhh boring then talk to krystal and we keep playing .


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