Tuesday, September 22, 2009

it's my turn

last night slept at 1am as i was doing my homework read that whole book of chinese and summaries about that chapter . After that went to do art and then went to sleep . my sister told me she 3am then sleep she say she not tired haha . science do the work as being said and then copy the english homework , not really copying his work was like lousier than me . then had chinese done all my work had it all submitted and had recess and then english . hohoho don had any homework cus linus does his work and hand up , and i think everyone does the homework on science lesson . then had art . tcher say want before 5pm hand up 4 art work i was like sure cannot finish de . i draw 1 picture about 1 hour draw 4 still have time mehh . then teacher change it to next week , was so happy but got four sia ... then math was half listening to teacher half not cus toooooooooo noisy and teacher keep nagging , alway the same word then was talking to syafiqah at first but then suddenly class was super quiet , was so happy and listen to teacher . then amy pencil case lost then teacher say want check bag then haven check then her pencil case was found lol . then no mood to listen liao . then teacher give out the progress report card sian fail 4 subjects haizz .
Don laugh at me if you get better marks than me

bucking up on english and chinese . history and geography EOY le so don need study that one but nedd study Social study i buy book le yayyy :)

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