Sunday, May 02, 2010

Don't Love Me Because I Don't Deserve

Good morning!
Friday de social studies i think i would fail :( cause i write rubbish answers :( mid year exam is here :( i think i won't be updating so frequent. After exam went out with belinda and qifang :D hehes, quite fun and chatted with belinda after that. haha, she say i care for her alot and say i am her mother.
Today, woke up at 7am, then can't sleep back again. how sad.. but nevermind, tomorrow don't need go school so can sleep longer :D People jiayous for mid year exam arhh! and get goodgood results :D
something bother me and can't let me to sleep. Its killing me :'( before sleeping last night, i was crying out of a sudden. ok, i would try not to think as i know it hurts alot. sorry, for hurting you.  The feeling is like i wouldn't be seeing you again, its the last time. Even though i wouldn't want to forget those happy times but i hope you could forget me and stay happy. If i know it hurt so much, i would hope that i you never know me. Don't love me cause you would not be happy. Put friends and family infront and i hope i can be happier. 

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