Monday, April 19, 2010

Yesterday celebrate birthday with sister de boyfriend. here are the pictures :D
at first went ktv~  sing some songs but younger sister don't dare sing ahahaha she shy :p

some picture nv post cause too ugly :P

school, was great today. got hyper after chemistry :D then recess and geography that bite qishan :P then qishan bite me but not pain only deep. haha, now still red arhh cool right? love bite:D physic that time i bite belinda arhh so shuang man.. but she don't dare bite back :(  the class was so fun and noisy. everybody like keep disturbing the teacher. the noise make me think of the past, when the class was super noisy with everybody bullying the teachers making the teacher pissed. ohh, miss the sec2 times... Mid Year Exam coming but i am still in a holiday mood. people give mee stress if not i don't think i will study and fail the whole exam! now math and other subject so quiet make me sleep D: awww, from the pass few weeks almost sleeping for lotslots period or talking all the way. nvm, i should give myself moremore oil!

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