Sunday, September 06, 2009


friday watch finish why why love le
haha so nice
then go bugis there eat dinner with sisters and auntie
then go shop shop and buy things
hehe so good
then go grandma hse
use sister laptop watch video with sister
then i too tired then went to sleep
then 1pluss like tat raining
so noisy already , then my sister keep talking , heard some weird weird sound
awww so scary , then jiejie say its normal , then she say because very airy
then faster went to sleep
the two days there night keep rain until very big wow so cooling
then today went uncle hse is condo de
waa so nice sia got swimming pool , gym , tennis court
next week they all got house warming party
then go there play with counsin at night wooo fun . so look forward to it .
then we all walk to the 'garden' not bad quite big but got two
soo fun then go see so that next week go won get lost .
ok bye (:

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