Saturday, September 25, 2010

i miss you, i love you, i want you

 Hahas, this few days see a lot of this.....
The two of you

wedding gown
 roses                            cakes                                       ring      
Wedding place
 Baby ♥
wahahahas, i spend alot if time finding pictures preeetty plan :) wahahahahas, spend it with the person you love the most. The one that you want to spend with forever :)
Hahaha, today friday went to walk around > stay back for chemistry > tm blahh
bought amaths assessment book foolscap  file at popular :D walk around tm there to find bracelard (L)
But i did not bought anything. I really need to save money, had been spending all my allowance.
Tomorrow would be going to grandma house. And sunday would be celebrating my brother's birthday :D weehehehe, cake :) i am growing fat as i was eating a lot everyday :P Cousins will be staying at my house for 2 weeks. Means there would be entertainment :) Zaijian :)
I LOVE YOU, the word that i want to tell you. But i do not have the courage to say it out to you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can i believe what you had said?

因初吻着你想庆贺 你却开始疏远我 
假使你是觉得怯懦 你会不会拒绝我 
你有意欲去找我 你会通电再会过 
*是你不想我啦(吗) 什至不找我啦(吗) 
无非几天变化 就像刮我几千巴 
很想你是爱得懒惰 至会多天不理我 
心境正逐秒钟跌堕 我哪一样有做错 
过去你极爱惜我 快慰之后侮辱我 
I don't want to let go of you because i love you
I am going to study. And at last, I wanna say i love you. Its so dumb of me believing you even though i know its all a lie

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Your love make me much stronger

I feel like i am on diet today, i haven had a proper meal. this week is totally SUCK. monday, i said something wrongly. tuesday was more... this week, i haven had something that really made me feel happy. Yesterday night meet daijun and joyce. when joyce went to chat with chee heng. have a heart to heart talk with daijun. talk about a lot of things. then reach home at around 9.30 (: today, nothing happen until 11.13 :) he message me :D ok, byebye :D 
Sometimes in your life, you will have to leave behind things you truly love, with only memories of the sweet past to refer to. But remember, if the love is as strong as you think it is, then it shall return to you once again in your life.
Start with the date, end with the date. But i don't wanna end it just like that. Read some quotes, there was one that say life is too short so say sorry if you had done wrong. I really wanna say sorry to you, it was just a joke to make you angry because i still can't accept the fact that this is how you treated a relationship.. this few days, i had cried a lot. thinking about how things goes and thinking about you. Missing you. I will stop torturing myself. Yesterday there was a urge for me wanting to see you. i went to walk around the gym, hoping there was a chance to see you. Darling saranghae ♥