Monday, August 09, 2010

Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles. Smile can be given to anyone but tears are only shed for someone you love.

Slacking today instead of studying. use phone all the way. actually want to sleep then keep got people jump here jump there. then play with belinda sister :D hahas, actually good arhh. play like i am still a small kid without any fan nao. being small is the best. :D hahas, will be staying at home tomorrow :D oooyaaa, tonight 12am hahahahahahs, HGF. will have windywindy de feeling le. and humans, please be careful. :D hahas, i also scared of that Ah PIAO~~ thingy. hahahas, Joyce, don't scared arhh. PIAO AH PIAO ~~~ :D
since i feel that things are not going in the way i wanted. i shall hide from the truth.

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