Saturday, May 28, 2011

I've never wanted to be with someone as much as I want to be with you, and that scares me because I dont' know if you want to be with me.

Heyyy. I am back : ) Holiday approaching already, i bet everyone is happy : D Rest well after a long period of stress and remember to study too : D My results was sort of good and those who didn't get good results study hard okay. I want to see everyone back next year in sec 5 no matter who you are. I miss my class already wahahahahaha : D

Last Thursday went to Wild Wild Wet with Daijun, Huiping, Eunice and Amanda : D

Form class day was fun like always. We watch Processed, a Korean movie. With pizza, sweets, crackers and pepsi : D
Afterwards, went to Eunice house and We cook Maggie Mee. I created alot of mess like always : P Clear up everything and we went to sleep as we are all very tired : D Then Daijun went home, me and Eunice went to East coast to eat dinner waited for 25 minutes for the food! The queue was extremely long but the food was soso only. We went strolling at the beach and saw Caucasians wind surfing, they were so hot. And we hello and bye at them. Bused home afterward : D

That's it for now.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I wish to walk with you till the end

It's like 1 month since I last update and I don't know where to start from.
For the past few weeks there is exam and I had been burning midnight oil, I have panda eyes already. sad :( stay at home for today and yesterday to watch my drama and I need to go out tomorrow already. Yes, I want SHOPPING!! :D Hope that i could find a lot pretty things :D
 This is strawberry cheesecake! :D supreeeee nice
Chocolate cake.
School start on Wednesday :D Means I have extra two day break :D Shooo happy. Ok, thats all. Should be updating soon.
Maybe, just maybe.