Friday, October 30, 2009

today last day of school , quite funn :) that stupid teacher during the use your hands campaign  keep calling us to do things while she is standing there doing nth . treating us like u maid . then she think she like who arhh call huiping to give the thing back to mr tan , mr tan oso don wanna take back lorhh .childish !! today tak back the note book .

take back the DnT thing le .

then this wat i do during that time the free time forget bring go sku show amanda then upload here :)

I GOT THE GREATEST IMPROVE FOR ENGLISH ! yay :) tks qishan for congrats me for that . andand she oso got best improvement for geography and belinda got best improvement for science .

today parent need go school to take report book but my parent not coming :( so need wait to next week 8am to 6pm maybe call my father go take :) [can't wait to know the result] .
 i oso want upload class photo but not available :

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

last day of kayaking . muscle was aching and was hungry and tired .  today more fun than yesterday :) first , we take the kayak then station at a point and raft to opposite side of the shore . quite boring larhh , keep doing the same thing . then we learn how to rescue and how to move to the side . learn until half there was thunder means need stop everything . haizz but it is only a while then we do the capsizing so scary larhh . then after my turn i swim in the sea , so fun , got alot of mud(good for skin) but 1 thing bad was that it makes my pe shirt black but other than that it was ok . after swimming for awhile it started to rain , more fun i am still  in the water . then swim for quite a while then went back to opposite side then put back kayak and everything and went home . yay next year can get back the 1 star certificate and can rent a kayak and play :) ok byebye .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

today kayaking  , sosososososo fun larhhs . the only things that is scary is that capsizing . so scary still need to pad 3 time before going up . but i manage to do it , so happy . today first thing that i was needed to be done was to swim starting was like so scary and the water so cold . ahhhh but at last i kick the water and move my hand then i get faster . didn't know that qishan was behind i kick the water at her . ahahahahaha sorry . then i was so cold with the wet shirt on . after that do capsizing , i haven shake i was shouting because of that chang hsi larhh , he cannot get up of the boat then make me so scared . then went to paddle the kayak , so fun the more i play then feel so easy then . then went to eat first then change shirt . ok stop here , tomoro then continue the rest of the post .

Saturday, October 17, 2009

now i am alone at home .
nth to do so want to update blog
yesterday i heard a song that my cousin played
very nice .
see the lyric very sad but nice song .

Song : 原谅我
 请不要分了以後 还记得亲吻过的承诺
你的永久 已不属於我
默默低头 那时我很多 话哽在喉咙

你的笑你的快乐 或许我爱太多想太多
我能感受 他比我适合
爱放了手 我伪装冷漠 比你先说分手

请原谅我 原谅我不成熟
不爱你是藉口 好让你离开我

请原谅我 好想自私将你占有
你的寂寞就给我承受 换你过更好的生活

请不要分了以後 还记得亲吻过的承诺
你的永久 已不属於我
默默低头 那时我很多 话哽在喉咙

你的笑你的快乐 或许我爱太多想太多
我能感受 他比我适合
爱放了手 我伪装冷漠 比你先说分手

请原谅我 原谅我不成熟
不爱你是藉口 好让你离开我

请原谅我 好想自私将你占有
你的寂寞就给我承受 换你过更好的生活


原谅我 必须假装爱错
别让时间逗留 我怕说不出口

原谅我 没有解释太多 心痛
别无所求 彻底忘了我

我爱过 我才懂

errr maybe i not going to play badminton with p6 friends bcus of some reason .so sorry . i promise the next time will try to go .

ok exam had over . yesterday no sku so stuck at home and rot , no larhh talk to cousin . he keep play the computer so i had no choice then i go to the room and watch magazine then i use the com for awhile then i watch 蜡笔小新 cd . haha very childish cus nth to do . then brother came back so i pay tution fee with my cousin . then play com awhile ( i think yesterday i use com less than 1hr )
then watch tv until 11 pluss . uncle come and fetch him . haizz this few day will be boring cus he not here andand my sister friend birthday party . dunnoe when he work again then come my house again . hope he can get good marks for n-level .
ok end here .

Friday, October 09, 2009

i will be updating after my art exam on thursday . next monday having math lucky i just now ask teacher how to do if not later exam sure will not get good marks . just now having mother tongue paper , quite difficult  larhh , stay take until 12plus ask mr tan . then that ming yang ,linus they all so boliao go keep my bag . then went home . 22 so slow then walk until a few bus-stop away , then was like so tired then decided to take bus . then keep sms-ing someone using 'phone' . hahaha so fun , the person so damn funny can act blur . ok larhh i think i want go study liao le .